by XDK
5. February 2016 11:57
Visual Studio 2010 can't use the local workspaces created using Visual Studio 2012 or higher versions. The local workspace feature was introduced starting Visual Studio 2012.
Create the workspace using Visual Studio 2010 to share or use the same workspace across Visual Studio 2010 and higher versions.
by XDK
23. December 2015 22:08
Execute the following SQL script on the Tfs_Configuration database to remove the SCVMM setting:
Update [Tfs_Configuration].dbo.tbl_RegistryItems set RegValue = ' ' where ChildItem like 'VmmServerName%'
Update [Tfs_Configuration].dbo.tbl_RegistryItems set RegValue = ' ' where ChildItem like 'DnsSuffix%'
Update [Tfs_Configuration].dbo.tbl_RegistryItems set RegValue = ' ' where ChildItem like 'IPBlock%'
by XDK
22. October 2015 13:25
You cannot associate work item with the check-in using tf.exe command line utility from Visual Studio command tools.
You can use the tf.exe from Team Explorer Everywhere to associate work item with the check-in.
tf checkin ItemSpec -associate:WorkItemIds
by XDK
8. October 2015 19:34
Yes. The TFS service account can be non interactive. But the account which is used to install and configure should be interactive and should have the following permissions.
- Local admin on the TFS Server
- SysAdmin on SQL Server
The interactive admin account used to install and configure the TFS will grant the necessary permissions to the non interactive Service account
by XDK
28. April 2015 18:11
TFS cube gets refreshed 2 hours once. You should have at least one work item assigned to the specific area or iteration path to get reflected in the cube or available in the report.