by XDK
29. April 2016 06:37
This error may occur when the Test Controller and Agents runs out disk space. Try to clean up the disk to gain free space or add extra space to the drive.
by XDK
30. January 2015 07:02
1. Open Notepad.
2. Edit the file with the following details
<Browser Name="Internet Explorer 11.0" MaxConnections="6"> <Headers> <Header Name="User-Agent" Value="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko" /> <Header Name="Accept" Value="*/*" /> <Header Name="Accept-Language" Value="{{$IEAcceptLanguage}}" /> <Header Name="Accept-Encoding" Value="GZIP" /> </Headers></Browser>
3. Save the file as "IE11.browser" under "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio <Version>\Common7\IDE\Templates\LoadTest\Browsers"
by XDK
20. January 2015 17:26
Pre-Upgrade Tasks
Make a note of the members in the following Test controller windows groups
- TeamAgentService,TeamTestControllerAdmins and TeamTestControllerUser
Make a note of the members and permissions in "LoadTest2010" DB
Uninstall 2010 Test Agents.
Uninstall 2010 Test Controller.
Installing 2012 Test controller
Install Test controller with the default option.
Configure Test Controller as below
Create load test result repository by execution the loadtestresultsrepository.sql script at <VS Install Dir>\Common7\IDE
1) Open a cmd prompt
2) Change into the following directory: <VS Install Dir>\Common7\IDE
3) Run the following command: sqlcmd -S <DB Server Name> -i loadtestresultsrepository.sql
Installing 2012 Test Agents
Install Test Agents with the default option.
Configure Test Agents as below
Post-Upgrade Tasks
Add the users to the following windows groups identified in 2010 load test rig.
- TeamAgentService,TeamTestControllerAdmins and TeamTestControllerUser
Add the users and permission\login access to "LoadTest2010" DB identified in 2010 load test rig DB
by XDK
20. October 2014 18:12
Create load test result repository by execution the loadtestresultsrepository.sql script at <VS ultimate Install Dir>\Common7\IDE
1) Open a cmd prompt
2) Change into the following directory: <VS ultimate Install Dir>\Common7\IDE
3) Run the following command: sqlcmd -S <DB Server Name> -i loadtestresultsrepository.sql
by XDK
4. February 2014 14:06
"The test has not started yet"
The test run result window just lists the name of the machine from which it ran, but it never opens the results and also Test run state remains pending. After I double click on the machine test item it just says "The Test has not started yet". Not able to view the result online during load test execution time.
The VS 2010 client version which I used to execute the load was SP1. But the test rig environment version was only VS 2010 RTM.
1. Installed the SP1 on test controller and agents
2. Reconfigured the agents to controller again.