tf400731: Only one Catalog resource of type 'Project Portal' can exist under 'Team Project'.

by XDK 20. June 2013 13:14


1. Remove the existing portal setting for team project as shown in the screenshort
2. Execute the following command to create a team project site

TFPT.EXE addprojectportal /collection:http://<server>:<port>/tfs/<TeamProjectCollection>

* /teamproject:<TeamProject> /processtemplate:"Microsoft Visual Studio Scrum 2.2"


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SharePoint | TFS 2010 | TFS 2012

TF250061: The following site could not be attached to Team Foundation Server: The site is already associated with a team project on an installation of Team Foundation Server with a different ID.

by XDK 20. June 2013 05:19


I had this problem when I migrated TFS 2010 collection to TFS 2012 instance and having the collection online on both TFS 2010 and TFS 2012 instances in parallel.


To fix the problem, you need to disable the team project portal links either on TFS 2010 or TFS 2012 collection --> Team projects and run the SharePoint repair on the APP TIER using TFS administration console.

 Following are the steps I followed to fix the error in TFS 2012 instance

1. Open Team Explorer in Visual Studio --> Connect to TFS 2010 instance --> Select the team project that needs the fix --> goto "Portal Settings" --> Unchecked the "Enable Team Project Portal checkbox" --> click OK



2. Login to TFS 2012 App Tier --> Open TFS Administration console --> Select "Share Point Web Applications" --> Select the SharePoint URL --> click "Repair Connection" --> Repair option

All the permissions and connections to the team projects Share point sites should succeed.


3. Login to TFS 2010 App Tier --> Open TFS Administration console --> Select "Share Point Web Applications" --> Select the SharePoint URL --> click "Repair Connection" --> Repair option

All the permissions and connections to the team projects Share point sites should succeed.


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SharePoint | TFS 2010 | TFS 2012

An error occurred while initializing a build for build definition xxx: There is not enough space on the disk

by XDK 23. February 2013 13:33

Follow the below steps on the build agents
• Go to Start->Programs->Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010/ 2012 ->Team Foundation Administration Console
• Select a build agent and click Properties
• Change the working directory from to $(SystemDrive) to D:, E: etc depending upon the free disk drive

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Azure DevOps on-premises | TFS 2010 | TFS 2012

TFS Service account permissions on Database

by XDK 2. February 2013 13:15


TFS Service account requires the follwoing permissions on TFS - Share Point DBs

APP Database  Roles & Permissions
SQL Server System Master Public and TFSExecRole
TFS Configuration Public and TFSExecRole
TFS Collection Public, db_datareader, db_datawriter, db_owner and TFSExecRole
TFS Warehouse Public, TFSExecRole and TfsWarehouseDataReader
SharePoint Configuration Public and  db_owner

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Azure DevOps on-premises | TFS 2010 | TFS 2012

TF26179 – Field Type 'TreePath' can be used only with System.AreaPath & System.IterationPath – not with custom fields

by XDK 25. January 2013 14:20

The treepath field type supports only system.areapath and system.iterationpath and cannot be used for the custom fields. It’s a limitation


Azure DevOps on-premises | TFS 2010 | TFS 2012

About the author

My name is Xavier Dilip Kumar Jayaraj having 16+ years of IT experience which includes solid experience and depth Knowledge in Application Life Cycle Management, Configuration Management, Implementation and Support using TFS on-premises and Azure DevOps. I have invested in gaining DevOps knowledege to expertise with Cloud Computing providers namely Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services in recent years. I am very positive to learn and adapt emerging technologies to client’s environment.

Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

Microsoft Certified: Azure DevOps Engineer Expert

DevOps Engineer Certificate Program | Transcript 

OTP-AWSD5: AWS IoT: Developing and Deploying an Internet of Things

[PCEP-30-01] PCEP – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer

Quotes I Like

"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough."  - Dr. APJ. Abdul Kalam

"Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it." - Bruce Lee

"Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important." - Bill Gates

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." - Steve Jobs



The information provided here is based on my expreriences, troubleshooting and online/offline findings. It can be used as is on your own risk without any warranties and I impose no rights.