by XDK
9. April 2014 20:32
1. Log on to your TFS App tier
Note : Make sure you had backed up all databases related to TFS before installing the update
2. Use TFSServiceControl quiesce command to ensure that all necessary operations, services, and application pools are stopped for maintenance tasks
- TFSServiceControl quiesce
3. Install the update.
4. Run the TFS Admin console tool to configure the TFS App Tier for installed update.
5. Use TFSServiceControl unquiesce command to start all necessary operations, services, and application pools for TFS
- TFSServiceControl unquiesce
If you have multiple app tier(s), proceed with step 1 to 3 on each app tier one by one first and then proceed with step 4 and 5 on each app tier one by one.