by XDK
3. December 2013 07:12
One of the QA Lead reported me that the test suite was lost after the migration from TFS 2010 to TFS 2012. Actually the test suite folder was renamed by the QA Lead and reported as deleted :(
How did I resolved it?
- Queried the TFS 2012 collection database to get the deleted suite id, But I was not able to identify any test suite delete for the reported project in the collection.
Select * from tbl_auditlog where ObjectType = 11
- To get the basic information of test suite like ProjectName, TestPlanId, ParentSuiteId, Title, SuiteType, Query, RequirementId, I queried the TFS 2012 collection database as below
Select p.ProjectName, s.* from tbl_suite s join tbl_Project p on s.ProjectId = p.ProjectId
- I was able to identify the suite information which was reported as deleted. With the suite id, I was able to identify who renamed the test suite and when
Select LastUpdated,LastUpdatedBy FROM tbl_Suite where [SuiteId] = 'XXXX'
Select * from tbl_Identity where Id = ' LastUpdatedBy '