What are LAMP, WAMP, MAMP and WISA stacks?

by XDK 20. August 2019 22:59


The LAMP stack is the foundation for Linux hosted websites is the Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP (LAMP) software stack.
The WAMP stack is the foundation for Windows hosted websites is the Windows, Apache, MySQL and PHP (WAMP) software stack.
The MAMP stack is the foundation for MacOS hosted websites is the MacOS, Apache, MySQL and PHP (MAMP) software stack.
The WISA stack is the foundation for Windows hosted websites is the Windows, IIS, MySQL and ASP.net (WISA) software stack.

The Layers of a Stack:
OS based web servers consist of four software components. These components, arranged in layers supporting one another, make up the software stack. Websites and Web Applications run on top of this underlying stack. The common software components that make up a traditional LAMP, WAMP, MAMP and WISA stack are:

OS (Linux\Windows\MacOS): The operating system (OS) makes up our first layer. OS sets the foundation for the stack model. All other layers run on top of this layer.

Apache: The second layer consists of web server software, which is Apache Web Server. This layer resides on top of the Linux layer. Web servers are responsible for translating from web browsers to their correct website.

Internet Information Service (IIS): The second layer consists of web server software, which is IIS. IIS is a manageable, secure and flexible service that is crucial for web hosting anything on the web. One can enable IIS on the computer operating on Windows 10.

MySQL: Our third layer is where databases live. MySQL stores details that can be queried by scripting to construct a website. MySQL usually sits on top of the Linux layer alongside Apache/layer 2. In high end configurations, MySQL can be off loaded to a separate host server.

PHP: Sitting on top of them all is our fourth and final layer. The scripting layer consists of PHP and/or other similar web programming languages. Websites and Web Applications run within this layer.


Amazon Web Service | Azure Native DevOps | General | Microsoft Azure Services

How to install and configure the CloudWatch logs agent on a EC2 Ubuntu linux server instance?

by XDK 16. August 2019 20:58


 1. Create and Attach an IAM role with "CloudWatchFullAccess" policy to the EC2 instance as follows

  • Open the IAM console --> Create Role --> apply.
  • Attach the created Role to the EC2 instance.

2. To install and configure CloudWatch Logs on an existing Ubuntu Server instance

  • Connect to the EC2 instance,
  • On EC2 instance, run the following commands before installing CloudWatch Log

         sudo apt update
         sudo apt install python3

  • To install and configure CloudWatch Logs directly from the internet

         curl https://s3.amazonaws.com/aws-cloudwatch/downloads/latest/awslogs-agent-setup.py -O

  • Run the following command to setup system and custom application logs

        sudo python ./awslogs-agent-setup.py --region us-east-1

  • awslogs.conf file content located at /var/awslogs/etc/

  • Use the following command to view the awslogs.log file

        sudo tail -f /var/log/awslogs.log

  • Navigate to Cloudwatch --> Log Groups to view the applogs and syslog log entries create by Cloudwatch agent.

  • Use the following commands to start,stop and get the status of agent service.

        sudo service awslogs start
        sudo service awslogs stop
        sudo service awslogs status


Amazon Web Service

What is the CloudWatch retention period of all metrics?

by XDK 16. August 2019 08:13


CloudWatch retains metric data as follows:

1. Data points with a period of less than 60 seconds are available for 3 hours. These data points are high-resolution custom metrics.
2. Data points with a period of 60 seconds (1 minute) are available for 15 days
3. Data points with a period of 300 seconds (5 minute) are available for 63 days
4. Data points with a period of 3600 seconds (1 hour) are available for 455 days (15 months)

CloudWatch does not support metric deletion. Metrics expire based on the retention schedules described above.



Amazon Web Service

Essential Installs to setup python development environment

by XDK 9. August 2019 15:09

Install commands:

Generic update:
sudo apt update

mySQL client install:
sudo apt install mysql-client

** mySQL login command **
mysql -h <RDS endpoint> -u <user name> -p <password>

apache server install:
sudo apt install apache2

python essentials install:
sudo apt install python3

** Refer here for pip install **

sudo apt-get purge python-pip
wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
sudo python get-pip.py

sudo apt install python-pip
sudo pip install mysql-connector-python
sudo pip install pymysql

sudo pip install boto3

** Boto3 is the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Software Development Kit (SDK) for Python, which allows Python developers to write software that makes use of services like Amazon S3 and Amazon EC2. You can find the latest, most up to date, documentation at our doc site, including a list of services that are supported. **


Amazon Web Service | General | Python

File "/usr/bin/pip", line 9, in <module> from pip import main ImportError: cannot import name main

by XDK 9. August 2019 14:46


File "/usr/bin/pip", line 9, in <module> from pip import main ImportError: cannot import name main


The exception appears after installing python-pip in the environment. looks like, the get-pip.py script from github is outdated which may be the reason for the exception.

Quick Fix:

Reinstalling python-pip from https://bootstrap.pypa.io website fixed the exception.

sudo apt-get purge python-pip
wget https://bootstrap.pypa.io/get-pip.py
sudo python get-pip.py


Amazon Web Service | Python

About the author

My name is Xavier Dilip Kumar Jayaraj having 16+ years of IT experience which includes solid experience and depth Knowledge in Application Life Cycle Management, Configuration Management, Implementation and Support using TFS on-premises and Azure DevOps. I have invested in gaining DevOps knowledege to expertise with Cloud Computing providers namely Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services in recent years. I am very positive to learn and adapt emerging technologies to client’s environment.

Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

Microsoft Certified: Azure DevOps Engineer Expert

DevOps Engineer Certificate Program | Transcript 

OTP-AWSD5: AWS IoT: Developing and Deploying an Internet of Things

[PCEP-30-01] PCEP – Certified Entry-Level Python Programmer

Quotes I Like

"Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough."  - Dr. APJ. Abdul Kalam

"Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it." - Bruce Lee

"Technology is just a tool. In terms of getting the kids working together and motivating them, the teacher is the most important." - Bill Gates

"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." - Steve Jobs



The information provided here is based on my expreriences, troubleshooting and online/offline findings. It can be used as is on your own risk without any warranties and I impose no rights.